Methodological note

Methodological note

In its seventh edition, the 2016 Sustainability Report of SEA Group (hereinafter the "Group") was prepared according to the "G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines" (2013) and the "Airport Operators Sector Disclosures" (2014), both published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), based on the "Core" option.
The GRI Content Index and the Auditors' Report are included at the end of the document.

Reporting process and scope

The content and indicators  of the 2016 Sustainability Report have been defined  according to the results of the materiality analysis. This approach began in 2013, involving the Group's top management and stakeholders in order to identify the relevant economic, environmental and social aspects through a participatory process.
In continuity with the previous editions and for the sake of completeness, some aspects, though not material, have been included in the Report.
The Sustainability Report shows the initiatives and results achieved between 1/1/2016 and 31/12/2016.
This document highlights whether a reported figure was generated by estimates.
As regards economic data, the reporting scope is the same as SEA Group's 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements.
The scope of the qualitative information and quantitative data relating to social and environmental aspects refers to companies controlled by the Group, with the exception of:

  • Consorzio Malpensa Construction, whose data and information could not at this time be collected uniformly with the other Group companies. We will consider the inclusion of Consorzio Malpensa Construction in the reporting scope over the coming years;
  • The following companies considered not significant and still included in the Consolidated Financial Statements with the "equity method": Dufrital SpA, SACBO SpA, SEA Services Srl, Malpensa Logistica Europa SpA, Disma SpA.

Please note that the scope of consolidation at December 31, 2016 differs from December 31, 2015, due to the transfer of 60% of SEA Prime SpA’s holdings to Signature Flight Support Italy Srl (formerly Prime AviationServices SpA) completed on April 1, 2016. Due to the loss of control, the interest in Signature Flight Support Italy Srl is now classified among the affiliates instead of the subsidiaries, and is recognised using the equity method rather than consolidated on a full line-by-line basis. Therefore, the company Prime AviationServices SpA is included in the scope of qualitative information and quantitative data relating to social and environmental aspects only up to March 31, 2016.

Any specific issues and exceptions to the reporting scope are outlined in the relevant sections.
The document uses the following terms:

  • SEA Group for SEA SpA, SEA Energia SpA, SEA Prime SpA and Prime AviationServices SpA;
  • SEA for SEA SpA;
  • SEA Energia for SEA Energia SpA;
  • SEA Prime for SEA Prime SpA;
  • Prime AviationServices for Prime AviationServices SpA.

Reporting principles

Principles for defining the content of the report
The reporting principles regarding the content of this document in the drafting phase refer to the GRI guidelines set out above and are summarized below:

Inclusivity, Materiality, Sustainability Context
The relations and involvement actions have been identified for each category of stakeholder.
The document also outlines the main social and environmental impacts of the Group relating to key stakeholders.

In relation to the principle of completeness, refer to the previous paragraph "Reporting Process and Scope".

Quality guarantee principles of the report
Quality guarantee principles of the current document are also reported:

Figures are objectively and systematically reported. The result indicators reflect the assessment of the performance regardless of improvements or deteriorations from previous periods.

Comparability, Clarity
In order to make this document easier to read, the disclosure contains graphs, tables and a clear and accessible language. Where possible, the indicators are compared with those of the previous two years and are commented, highlighting any significant variations. Tables and charts without comparisons refer to indicators whose time comparison is not considered important or indicators for which data from previous years was unavailable. Reference to the model provided by the Global Reporting Initiative also enables a comparison with domestic and international organizations adopting the same model.

All data have been checked by the various area managers. The economic and financial figures are the same data used for the Consolidated Financial Statements, prepared by applying international accounting standards.

The 2016 Sustainability Report is an annual reporting document.

The Sustainability Report was approved by the Board of Directors and submitted to external and independent review by the audit firm Deloitte, whose activity has ended with the issuance of the "Auditor's Report".