Indicators of customer information services

Indicators of customer information services

Indicators of customer information services

IndicatorUnit of measure Malpensa T1Malpensa T2Linate
Easy-to-browse and
up-to-date website
% of satisfied passengersTarget 201690.0%90.0%90.0%
Result 201697.4%92.5%92.2%
Perception of the effectiveness
of the operational information points
% of satisfied passengersTarget 201695.0%95.0%95.0%
Result 201698.2%97.7%97.9%
Perception of the clarity,
comprehensibility and
effectiveness of the internal signage
% of satisfied passengersTarget 201698.3%92.0%98.4%
Result 201697.8%96.9%96.9%
Perception of the personnel's professionalism
(info point, security)
% of satisfied passengersTarget 201695.0%95.0%95.0%
Result 201697.1%95.2%97.7%
Overall perception of the effectiveness and
accessibility of public information services
(monitors, announcements, internal signage, etc.)
% of satisfied passengersTarget 201693.0%93.0%95.0%
Result 201699.3%98.1%97.4%
Airports in numbersT1T2Linate
Operational information points (desks + virtual desks)1445
No. of information monitor blocks2106646

Source: SEA, CFI Group

During 2016, we consolidated airport assistance service through a video conference system activated in 2013. Passengers can receive assistance directly from customer service operators by interacting with them through one of 16 video terminals in our two airports.
In the last 2 months of the year, a promotional campaign was carried out with the aim of divulging such a new and innovative way of helping passengers navigate through the airport. A comparison with the previous year, for the months in which the number of available workstations was the same, showed a 15% increase in the use of the service.
SEA is part of Airport Helper Community, which includes some of the major European airports and develops ideas and projects together. The aim is not only to improve the passenger welcome, but also to increasingly engage and make use of all the staff working at airport. In 2016, two information meetings were organised with the SEA personnel enrolled in the Airport Helper project.
In 2016, the first phase of the "Time to Gate" project was successfully completed, providing a dynamic indication (including any queuing wait times at passport control) of the minutes needed to reach the gate.