Empowerment policies

Empowerment policies

In 2016, more than 17,000 hours of training were provided to SEA employees.
The number of per capita training hours for female personnel increased, also due to efforts to improve  customer orientation of our personnel dedicated to front end, security and customer care.

Average number of hours of training per capita by gender


Source: SEA
Nota: Note: the data does not include mandatory training hours and refers to SEA. 

In particular, we note the following initiatives:

  • "The Value of Security", dedicated to Security team. The course involved Shift Manager, Supervisor and Officer, with a view to improving the effectiveness of their role, with particular attention to integrating compliance, customer experience and personal motivation. The 2016, the course saw the participation of 270 people, of whom about 50 were women, for a total of over 3,500 hours of training.
  • "Yes I Care" was addressed to Customer Care personnel, 50 units who work as "Customer Information Operators" in call centres and information counters located in the airports. The purpose of the course was to teach people to make passengers live a “value relationship”, to improve their perception of quality of service and, more generally, their airport experience. The goals of the course included increasing well-being while carrying out their work, further developing a multicultural approach, and recognizing and disseminating best practices.

One of the most popular initiatives of 2016 was the corporate meeting organised in October, dedicated to team and process managers (over 200 people) in a day-to-day training and networking event. The "Smart in Everyday Action" initiative was aimed at enabling a vision of strategic goals and corporate evolution trends, focusing on the managerial role for ever-increasing professional effectiveness. During the meeting, the course devoted to "Excellence in Daily Activities" was launched, intended for SEA team and/or corporate leaders. The initiative, consisting of two days of training to share the concepts of routine, unexpected event and critical issue in the company, was aimed at strengthening managerial skills such as job scheduling and deadlines, feedback to employees, and the decision-making process.

As usual, a significant amount of hours was devoted to Operations training, with over 2,000 hours of training focused on new processes and licensing to use new equipment.

Over the course of 2016, many training sessions were also held on the topics of European Regulation 139 of 2014 on Airport Safety.

In 2016, the average number of training hours per capita by professional category recorded an increase in the occupational categories of "Manager" and "Executive", due to training initiatives addressed to management population. The aim was to strengthen effectiveness of skills such as work planning and decision-making, and to act more consciously in the role of team manager.

Average annual number of training hours per capita by professional category

Among the activities of knowledge development and enhancement, note the initiative dedicated to "Business English", a pilot project involving a dozen units in a semester course. Through an online platform and a tailored service with a virtual coach, these people implemented and consolidated their language skills, focusing in particular on the use of spoken language in different professional situations without, however, neglecting linguistic aspects of grammar, words, reading and listening.

The percentage of colleagues, subdivided by gender, involved in performance assessment is in line with the data of the previous two years and concerns Executives and Managers.
Again for 2016, percentage change is proportional to the increase or decrease of personnel with those qualifications in that year.

Employees involved in formalized performance appraisals by gender

As far as the gender pay gap is concerned, data for 2016 is in line with 2015: average pay for men and women differs mainly with respect to overall pay (annual income).

Women/Men salary and remuneration ratio by category

 Gross Annual Income 2016 (a)Income 2016 (b)Gross Annual Income 2015 (a)Income 2015 (b)
Executives and Managers81%75%79%71%
Blue - collar83%83%84%84%

Source: SEA
(a) Ratio of the Gross Annual Remuneration of women and that of men. The Annual Remuneration is the fixed gross annual salary, paid to the employee on the basis of his/her duties or for specific appointments.
(b) Ratio between the Average Annual Income of women and that of men. The Gross Annual Income is the gross annual salary plus annual variable amounts, such as bonuses related to individual performance and/or corporate productivity, attendance allowances, additional payments for night work, overtime and holidays, etc.

Gap between men and women in the Executives-Managers category is a consequence of the reduced female presence in the most senior positions.
Pay gap for the category of white-collar and blue-collar employees is influenced by the overwhelming presence of shift personnel (especially male) and in particular by the recognition of allowances related to less desirable (and better paid) working shifts covered by male personnel.

SEA Group's corporate policy for protection of occupational health and safety of its employees and third parties (operators, users, passengers) present in the workplace for various reasons is based on several principles:

  • compliance with national and EU legislation on occupational health and safety, including technical regulations and international standards;
  • carrying out prevention activities in field of occupational health and safety management, focusing on proactive and predictive capabilities for corporate risks, in order to avoid accidents at work and the onset of occupational diseases;
  • identifying residual risks in workplaces, setting up the most appropriate measures for their reduction, also by continuously updating information methods and media aimed at their assessment and analysis;
  • enhancing human resources through the development of specific skills and training activities, key elements characterizing all the choices of the SEA Group, with the aim of making workers aware of their responsibilities and the need to comply with current legislation and internal regulations;
  • informing all those present (employees, contractors, suppliers, customers) about the organization for safety and emergency management, as well as existing risks and adopted prevention and protection standards;
  • selecting suppliers while also taking into consideration aspects related to occupational health and safety and promotion of coordination activities for managing and resolving possible risk situations with a view to mutual cooperation;
  • promoting involvement of employees on corporate targets for occupational health and safety, including through their Safety Representatives;
  • promoting integration of the principles of occupational health and safety into the management of all the corporate activities, including design and maintenance of buildings and systems;
  • promoting initiatives aimed at spreading a culture of occupational health and safety and interaction between corporate structures for a collaboration aimed at achieving company efficiency also in terms of safety.

As airport operator SEA Group is also engaged in terms of occupational safety, providing advantage to operators, bodies and handlers present in airport grounds for various reasons.

Il ruolo di gestore aeroportuale ha comportato per il Gruppo SEA un particolare impegno anche sul versante della sicurezza sul lavoro, di cui hanno potuto beneficiare tutti gli operatori, enti, handler, che a vario titolo sono presenti nei sedimi aeroportuali.

OHSAS 18001 certification

In 2016, SEA Group kept the certification of its Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSSL) issued by TÜV Italia - Accredia (National Accreditation Body), in line with the BS OHSAS 18001/2007 regulation, as set forth by Article 30 of Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 for organizational models not covered by Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001. The SGSSL was monitored through 8 internal audits, conducted by specifically trained and qualified personnel, which initiated follow-up activities in agreement with the Managers of the areas involved, as well as 5 days of monitoring audits by TÜV Italia. The activity involved almost all corporate areas and led to confirming the validity of the current Certificate.
The outcome of such activities found that the System is properly implemented and kept active, and it is functionally useful in the pursuit of corporate targets.

Employee participation in safety

Workers' involvement in corporate occupational health and safety activities takes place mainly through the institutionalized channel, led by the Workers' Health and Safety Representatives (RLS).
So, aside from the regular annual safety meeting, participation, as usual, took place during a period of important changes in the company organization, including spaces, machines and equipment and more generally for any request made by the Workers' Health and Safety Representatives or, in some circumstances, directly by workers.
In compliance with the provisions of the current legislation (Article 47 of Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008 and the multi-industry agreement of 22/06/95), the Workers' Health and Safety Representatives of the SEA Group were elected and are fully operational, based on the breakdown shown in the table below.

Number of Workers' Health and Safety Representatives (RLS)

SEA 666 for the production units with over 1,000 employees
SEA Prime1 1 representative in the companies or production units with up to 200 workers
SEA Energia111 representative in the companies or production units with up to 200 workers

Source: SEA

Occupational safety at SEA in 2016
Among the many activities carried out during the year, we point out the following:

  • updating the Risk Assessment Documents for SEA Workers;
  • preparing the DUVRIs (Interference Risk Assessment Documents) for preventive management of interference-related hazards involved in various activities carried out on airport grounds by third parties under contract;
  • 13 exercises on implementation of Emergency and Evacuation Plans and fire alert and detection systems;
  • activities related to fire prevention and management, including implementation of a specific internal audit system to verify the correct conduct and compliance according to fire prevention standards in the premises entrusted to retailers in the two Malpensa terminals;
  • in order to implement the preventive management of risks associated with the use of equipment and machines introduced to support the work activities, preventive evaluation and analysis continued to be carried out at the time of purchase, as part of the acceptance test committee in which SEA's Prevention and Protection Service is also involved.

Accident indicators
Analysis of accidents in 2016 shows that:

  • accidents in transit account for 32% of all accidents;
  • of the remaining accidents (so-called occupational), over 40% are due to walking dynamics (slipping, stumbling, uncoordinated footstep) and are therefore largely or entirely unrelated to more typically professional risks.

Safety indicators by gender and location

 LinateMalpensaOther locations*
Injury rate20151.892.103.974.4327.790.00
Injury rate on the way to work20150.731.050.761.779.260.00
Occupational disease rates20150.,000.00
Lost day rate201557.3242.8787.57137.44158.230.00
Lost day rate on the way to work201543.0829.879.1142.7349.970.00

Source: SEA
* Personnel at the Rome Ciampino, Venice and Catania airports in 2015. The 2016 data for other locations is not available following the transfer of 60% of the capital of Prime AviationServices SpA, which is therefore no longer part of the Group.
Note: The accident indicators are calculated as follows:

  • Overall accident rate: no. of accidents at work and in transit/hours worked *200,000
  • Transit accident rate: no. accidents in transit/hours worked *200,000
  • Occupational disease rates: no. of occupational diseases/hours worked *200,000
  • Overall severity index: no. of days lost due to accidents at work and in transit/workable hours *200,000
  • Severity index: no. of lost days due to accidents in transit/workable hours *200,000.

Only employed personnel is included.
The accident data refers to all events that involved at least one day of absence from work beyond the day of occurrence. In the count of lost work days, the calendar days in which the worker was absent were considered, with the exception of the one in which the accident occurred.
The occupational disease data refers to cases reported in the year in question and not to the number of occupational diseases actually recognized by INAIL for the same period.

As a whole, accidental events in 2016 are essentially in line with those of the previous year. Increase in rates and indexes referring to Linate's male personnel is overall offset by the decline recorded in the remaining situations.