Who we are and what we do
Our competitive environment
How we integrate sustainability into business
Impacts of infrastructure capital management and development
Value generated by Aviation Business
Value generated by Non Aviation Business
Management and productivity efficiency
The stakeholders' viewpoint
Annex: Other sustainability performances
Analysis of scope of material topics and reconciliation with the GRI aspects
Auditor's Report
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Who we are and what we do
Letter to stakeholders
Methodological note
Shareholding structure
Corporate Governance
Model and business areas
Organizational structure
Linate and Malpensa airports
Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
Internal Committees of the Board of Directors
Board of Statutory Auditors
System of powers and duties
Management remuneration
Internal control system
Our competitive environment
Air transport market in Europe and Italy
The traffic trend in Italian and European airports
Competitive positioning of our airports
Competitive positioning of our airports
Catchment area
Air transport offer
Conditions of direct and indirect competition
Current and prospective accessibility to airports
How we integrate sustainability into business
Sustainable development governance
Ethical System and Diamond of Values
How we define the priorities of our efforts: the materiality matrix
How we cultivate excellence in processes
Our corporate citizenship
Value distributed to our stakeholders
Socioeconomic impact generated by our airports
Sustainable development governance
Relevant socioeconomic ecosystem
CSR strategy and sustainability governance model
Strategy's drivers
Ethical System and Diamond of Values
What is its function?
How it was implemented
The diamond's values
How values stimulate us to change
How we define the priorities of our efforts: the materiality matrix
What is materiality
Building the materiality dashboard
How we created the materiality matrix
How we cultivate excellence in processes
Our environmental and energy policy
Certified management systems
Green innovation projects in Europe
Our corporate citizenship
Corporate Citizenship policy
Investments in Corporate Citizenship
A social investment model that involves the employees: The Social Challenge
From solidarity donation to investment in social enterprises: impact investing projects
Socioeconomic impact generated by our airports
Types of impacts analysed
Socioeconomic impact of Malpensa airport
Socioeconomic impact of Linate airport
Impacts of infrastructure capital management and development
Evolution of infrastructure investment
How we share our development projects: 2030 Master Plan for Malpensa
Environmental externalities linked to airport activity
Aviation safety
Evolution of infrastructure investment
Investments made at Malpensa airport
Investments made at Linate airport
How we share our development projects: 2030 Master Plan for Malpensa
Master Plan guidelines
Environmental studies
Process of stakeholders involvement
Environmental externalities linked to airport activity
CO2 emissions
Air quality
Noise emissions
Effluents and spills
Value generated by Aviation Business
The profile of our Aviation customers
The profile of our passengers
Economic performance of Aviation Business
Competitive performance of Aviation Business
Quality of aviation services provided to passengers
The profile of our Aviation customers
Main passenger carriers operating at Malpensa
Main passenger carriers operating at Linate
Main Cargo carriers
Competitive performance of Aviation Business
Passenger traffic
Punctuality of passenger flights
Cargo traffic
Quality of aviation services provided to passengers
Service regularity indicators
Door/gate service indicators
Indicators of customer information services
Customer Satisfaction
Customer relationship management and complaints management
Value generated by Non Aviation Business
The profile of Non Aviation customers
Economic performance of Non Aviation business
Quality of Non Aviation services provided to passengers
Quality of the commercial offer
The profile of Non Aviation customers
Points of sale to public
Food & Beverage
Economic performance of Non Aviation business
Car parking
Quality of Non Aviation services provided to passengers
Travel safety indicators and personal and property security
Indicators of comfort during the stay at the airport
Indicators of cleanliness and hygienic conditions
Indicators of the additional services
Indicators of modal integration
Management and productivity efficiency
Organizational management
Managing environmental resources
Supply chain management
Organizational management
Our people
Empowerment policies
Engagement policies
The quality of relationship with our people
Managing environmental resources
Energy consumption
Water consumption
Waste management
Supply chain management
Purchasing policy
Classification of suppliers according to CSR criteria
Selection of suppliers
Value generated for the supply’s induced business
CSR Report
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Annex: Other sustainability performances